Marie Söderqvist (Linkedin)

10 Mar

Japanese knives are famous all over the world for being invincible. No other countries’ knives can measure up, really. They have the sharpness, elegance, strength and durability that are not to be found in any other knives, nor any other products, anywhere. Though… wait. Actually, though not a product, there is one person whom can be compared to that unique sharpness, elegance, strength and durability. Her name is Marie Söderqvist and she is a Corporate Executive and media personality. Being so edgy is of course an invaluable asset in writing, cutting budgets or cutting through whatever it may be. It can be a certainly dangerous tool as well, especially in front of pigs or lambs and such personalities.

Both of these have gone through highly advanced processes to become cutting edge. It doesn’t just happen over a day. The knives for instance are rubbed for a googol years (or so) between the finest of sandpapers and other things before reaching perfection. And Marie has been rubbed between the walls of several leading institutions in Swedish society: Svenska Dagbladet, Timbro, Expressen and some others which I could tell you but then I would have to kill you – and now United Minds where she has settled as CEO and owns a cut of the company. When I say she has settled there I don’t mean she has become complacent and satisfied and tired of exploring new knowledge, higher goals and bigger money. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m rather saying United Minds is her base camp and from there she is doing all that; striving for bigger success. And it’s going quite alright to say the least. The company is growing fast and furious and the things they do are impressive, best described as a combo between the operations of Brookings and the CIA, though in a commercial environment. My estimate is that five years is the amount of time required before she has been able to annex all of the European business intelligence market on behalf of United Minds.

What more can I say? She is the number 1 to be found as far as I am concerned if you’re in search for a leader. As a boss, she is tough, fair, practical and none the less generous. She even pays me for this.

Fredrik Johansson (Linkedin)

6 Mar

Fredrik Johansson is one out of many in my social sphere to have begun his life in the under-developed parts of Sweden, Rural Sweden. Carrying just a few possessions and the right mindset, Fredrik as a young writer fled Mariestad, pursuing The Stockholm Dream of a job in media, politics, consulting, or something else that makes one feel important. To flee tiny and cute Mariestad for a terra incognito tells at least some about determination. But wait – there is more.

When this young, ambitious boy with only some experience from farming in the family home and writing for the student paper and the local paper arrived to the communications industry of Stockholm, something very interesting happened. Yes, you laugh at his lack of past positions at the time and that he was just a guy with a simple hillbilly background. Well, maybe it’s you who lack the brain capacity to realize that farming and communications are basically the same and being from the countryside is a really great heritage if you want to become something in the latter. Both are simply about planting stuff. Oh boy, he does plant stuff. There are sparks and “bzzz”-sounds when Fredrik cuts through the energy field of communications and strategic counseling.

You know that sometimes when you take a countryside person and put him in a city there’s some sort of mutation happening and that person becomes even more urban than someone with an urban heritage is. That happened to Fredrik. When he came here he started working for the free market right-wing, became gay, interested in fashion, went to all these modern urban lifestyle kind of places, may it be restaurants, boutiques or bars. He did it all. This adaption says at least some about his strength – his ability to adjust and survive.

I’m writing this on a Sunday and, as you know, Sundays are not really a manifestation in structure and concentration and straight-forwardness. So that’s why this recommendation suffers from stringency shortage. Oh my god, you don’t even know where he works yet – 331 words later, and counting.

Today, Fredrik works for the government. To be more precise, he is working for a guy called Uffe or, more formally, Uffepuffe. Uffe (I’m a rather informal person) is the Minister for Social Security here in Sweden. As I understand, Fredrik is an architect or consiglieri behind Uffe and his interventions in social security. So it’s pretty qualified. And before that Fredrik has been on numerous qualified positions. He was once a trend analyst at United Minds. That’s how we met. We have also been to a right-wing training camp together. Fredrik has also been working for the right-wing think-tank Timbro, as I mentioned something about earlier on. He was also once a Special Advisor to the Moderate party in Stockholm. Cool stuff, and he has made it all at the age of 30, I believe his current age is. That tells a little more about determination.

So the young boy from the countryside, carrying just a few possessions and the right mind-set, turned out pretty fine after all. You should work with him, really.

Patrick Krassen

3 Mar

Min Linkedin-rekommendation till Patrick Krassén:

Patrick is a prominent architect behind contemporary public debate and policy issues in the Nordics. As a writer, as a journalist, as an analyst, as a political advisor, as a teacher, as a thought-leader. And as the key figure of an extensive network of up-and-coming Nordic centre-right leaders and intellectuals. I have to point out that this is just a selection of his numerous experiences. I lack the sufficient amount of memory slots to reminisce everything from his already Guinness World Records-long curriculum. If we still would have used these old Win95-mouses without the scroll function, we would have to drag the mouse back to another room to scroll down to the bottom of his CV. I don’t think anyone of his youth can measure up to that. So, one could say he’s got an outstanding holistic view and quite some influence on his enormous field of expertise: politics, advocacy, academic debate, public debate. His rigorous background, his engagement and his social capabilities all contributes to make him quite a smart person. Patrick is the audiobook version of Encyclopaedia Britannica. At the same time, he is developing continuously. So as for progressivity and intellectual growth, he is more like Wikipedia. I’m starting to feel I’m giving you the perception that Patrick is an all too intellectual swot. That is, however, not the case. Patrick is at the same time a sympathetic, relaxed and fun person. And if you ever have the chance to meet with him and see for yourself, I’d say, with an emphasizing tone; go for it!

Ibland har man Facebook-konversationer som det är verkshöjd på

17 Feb
Viktor Jungsand February 16 at 2:00pm
Dear Simon,

I regret to inform you that I won’t be able to make it to the event tonight. My health has been quite unstable lately, I blame the overwhelming winter, thus keeping me away from all socia duty.

I do however look forward to successful events at Riche in the future

Best regards

Simon Strand February 16 at 7:26pm
Dear Mr Jungsand,

I mourn your absence and pity your illness. The Swedish Winter has been whiping our bodies and minds for quite some time now. I have no higher wish than that of putting an end to all of it and everything it does to us. And of all the deeds of this winter, the message you bring me now feels like an unprecedented blow. The first thought that hit me was this: ”Not him, of all the people in the Simon Strand sphere. And not now.”

As an act of solidarity and as a symbol for our loss, we will grant an empty chair at our table tonight. And we are very much longing to an other day in the time ahead when you can finally be with us, perfecting our assembly.

S Strand

Små mycket fiffiga tricks för att verka viktig

17 Feb
  • ”I’m currently flying”-autosvar på mailen för att man sitter på 1h lång flight
  • ”ptjaa… i nästnästa vecka kan jag, på tisdag kl. 10” fastän man kan mest hela tiden egentligen

OBS! Ironi!

Om det gick er förbi…

10 Feb

så var kommentaren på Fredrik Backmans blogg ironisk, ett skämt, ej allvar, en (uppenbarligen) träffsäker karikatyr av PR-konsulter. Den här bloggen är i samma format. Läses med en nypa salt. Välkommen.

Toni Eriksson @ Linkedin

9 Dec

Toni Eriksson är kommunikationsdirektör på FMV sedan nyligen. Innan dess jobbade vi tillsammans. Här är min rekommendation av honom på Linkedin:

Toni Eriksson

If Toni would play in a rock band, he would be one of the Rolling Stones. Because Toni is rolling – between various executive positions in government, in the Social Dems, in public relations and in lobbying. All these powerful institutions say that they need him. Does he need them? Ehm, not so much, I’d say. I guess you know how that saying goes, ”a rolling stone gathers no moss”? In Toni’s case, that is perfectly true. By always moving, in time and space and between employers, he ensures his continuous awesomeness. Toni is a true professional. His clients, colleagues and journalists (calling them »his« journalists is not a dangling modifier but a truth, because after a few minutes of TET, Toni Eriksson Treatment™, they truly are his journalists) have all felt his aura, which is a jumble of authority and warmth. And intelligence, for God’s sake. I wouldn’t want to battle him in Trivial Pursuit or a debate, perhaps in a rap battle though. November 2, 2010

Veckans möten

4 Dec

Det fina med att vara pr-konsult är att det är så socialt. Vi håller många konferenser, avstämningar, spånmöten, bjudluncher och spritfester till exempel. Jag tänkte att om jag sammanställer några av den här veckans mest sprakande mänskliga möten så kanske det blir lättare för er att förstå vad en pr-konsult egentligen gör för något, vilket inte alltid är så greppbart.

I tisdags hade jag ”Intelligence Command”-internmöte med Stina och Markus och om det kan jag inte säga så mycket mer än att det gick bra, eftersom det är så affärskritiskt. Direkt efter det hade jag en snabb lunch med Caroline Hirsch som förut jobbade på Prime men nu är på Burson Marsteller där hon ”jobbar lite i Bryssel och lite i Paris och lite här och lite där” . Hon utstrålade livsbalans och vi pratade om affärsidéer, Stiftelsen Min Stora Dag och lite skvaller kanske? Det kan ha varit så. På kvällen var det julbord på Långbro Värdshus (rekommenderas!) med kollegor och kunder och ytterligare ett par personer som ingår i Marie Söderqvists sfär. En skådespelare som jag känner lite sedan tidigare satt mitt emot. Han har sex med en häst i en kommande långfilm, berättade han.

Onsdag! Jag och Tony hade möte med ett indo-serbiskt syndikat. Intressant! På kvällen blev det middag med Paul på Donken.

I torsdags vette fan. Helt svart!

Fredagar är det såklart alltid hög densitet i. Redan när jag kom in till jobbet stod det klart att vi skulle ha ett idémöte på eftermiddagen. Briefen: ”Frenzy! Go wild!”. Ungefär så. Det blev en 7-8 bra idéer.

Sedan kom kvällen och med den Friends & Family-evenemanget på kontoret. Det är ett årligt evenemang dit alla medarbetare får bjuda in familj och vänner för att äta snittar och äckliga fiskcanapéer, dricka champagne och få en inblick i det arbetsliv som vi lever. Men man får bjuda in max tre personer var och det ryktas att den kvoten kom utav att Robert Aras för ett par år sedan bjöd dit hela sin syskonskara och efter det blev det alltså en jävla massa problem med Brandmyndigheten kan jag berätta.

Jag tog dit ett par kompisar bara. Vi hade kul! Där fanns förutom fantastiska släktingar och vänner en och annan profil. Journalister som Jonas Leijonhufvud, chefen har erbjudit honom jobb som bartender hos oss, och Katrine Kielos och, tror jag, Johan Hakelius. Och Kevin Lampe, tidigare Obamas rådgivare. När Friends & Family avrundades var fortsättningen oklar. Ni vet hur det kan bli med velandet och splittringar i leden. Till sist agerade Kielos thought-leader och pekade ut Le Rouge, så gick alla dit.

På Le Rouge pratade jag lite med Wennström. Han är bara två år äldre än mig men samtidigt inte. ”Du är fan 80 år, Wennström!”, sa jag. För övrigt håller han just nu på att skriva en bok.

Ett par timmar senare hade jag via East hamnat på Spy Bar. Stötte på Olof Enckell som driver Manolo och Johan Magnusson som är modejournalist, på King tror jag? Så de två styr hela modegrejen kan man säga. Inte första gången man ser den duon på Spy Bar, förresten.

I trappen på väg ut från Spy Bar träffade jag Daniel Tjernström som är AIK:s lagkapten. Vilket crescendo. Så vi slutar där tycker jag.

Det här koncentratet får nog livet att verkar mer kul, spännande och glamoröst än det egentligen är. Tänk på att hela berättelsen är väldigt utstuderad, vad jag väljer att lyfta fram och att inte lyfta, och så vidare. Jag skriver till exempel ingenting om var kvällen slutade. I ett funkis-kök. På Södermalm.

Robert Aras (Linkedin)

2 Nov

Robert stands out as one of the most efficient PR consultants of our time. I don’t think anyone manage to generate as much results in comparison to investment, measured in time and/or money, as he does. He is always able to identify the right choices to deliver the best. Robert is rationalism. Rationalism is Robert. Given that, he is an accomplished key account manager. That’s an opinion I share with our clients and the jury constellations of the largest global communications awards, such as Cannes Lions, Sabre and IPRA, where his well-reknowned campaigns has been awarded.

When hope is scarce and others hesitate, Robert, sooner (or later – but always on time), find solutions and manage to drive our projects forward.
He is excellent in macro PR thinking. He combines strengths in strategic operations and client relations, thus making him a strong and intelligent leader in both directions, for his client as well as his team, which has been very valuable in every process we have been through together.

Jonatan Hedin & Jerry Silfwer

2 Nov

Jonatan Hedin som jobbar på United Minds:

“I once read on a restaurant menu in Manhattan, it was an Indian restaurant, and one of the main courses were described as follows: “Difficult to put into words, but recommended”. It comes back to me all over again while I’m sitting here. I truly recommend Jonatan. But how can I possibly describe Jonatan’s brightness and charm and his ability to learn almost everything about almost anything in almost no time at all? Words are scarce if one wants to build such a case. Which I want to.

Jonatan is often working late, even if it’s an evening between a Sunday and a Monday. He’s got no such scruples. I’m working as late as him too, sometimes. But on the morning after, while I’m snoozing my iPhone alarm clock, he’s already back at the office, I have heard from the sleep-early-and-wake-up-early faction within the company.

His working capacity is out of the ordinary. None the less is his work. No wonder bosses and key account managers put so much trust in him.

I will make it a try to summarize Jonatan even though the attempt most certainly won’t reach the qualitative finish line. But let us go back to a cuisine – let us say Jonatan is a dinner. A three course premium dinner, that is, of course. He is a rocket and cashew nut salad, for his stamina and fitness. He is a tenderized filet with loads of calories, as for loads of content and exclusivity – and it comes with béarnaise sauce of course to symbolize his over-deliveries. He is also a home-cooked ice-cream of the finest vanilla, with Swedish blueberries and strawberries. The ice-cream for that he is cool when needed and soft as a person. And the blueberries are for his political beliefs, and the strawberries; well they are red and therefore symbolize his big heart. And the berries are all Swedish because, well, he is too. Of course we brought in some champagne as well, to represent style, which is one of his biggest assets.” November 1, 2010

Min rekommendation till Jerry Silfwer, Whispr Group hittar du hos honom.

DISCLAIMER: Vet att jag stavar fel ibland och att grammatiken inte är hundraprocentig. Jag är inte särskilt van att skriva på engelska. Det är därför jag försöker.